Let's face it, one of the quickest ways to get into debt is falling behind on credit card payments. When searching for help, there's 2 routes you can look at: Debt Elimination and Debt Consolidation.
Unfortunately, Debt Elimination does not mean the company literally gets rid of your debt. The company will give give you 3 to 4 months to pay off a predetermined amount. The company pays off all of your credit card bills at the start, and may tack on a little extra for their profit, but they do not charge interest. This is usually best when your accumulated debt is a low amount.
Debt Consolidation is essentially the same as Debt Elimination. The main difference is that you have anywhere from 5 to 10 years to pay it off. This usually works best when you have a lot of debt (we're talking $5000+). These companies, as I've said in my previous posts, also come in non-profit forms. These can be very helpful and can help you get rid of all debts hassle-free.
Remember to only use your credit cards for small purchases! Do not use them to escape dire situations!